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Detailed analysis of the trail analyzed as Hiking (HKG)
Trail difficulty
Track : Matagalls - Montserrat.gpx
These speeds are average for : HKG (Hiking)
Reanalyze as
BYC (Bicycle) RNG (Running)
 Reliability of the original trail: A   (3003/74/0/-/-/74)
 Level of correction applied to the trail: 0
 Total length: 83.23 Km    mi / ft ?
 Analyzed distance: 83.23 Km
 Lineal distance: 48.66 Km
 Accumulated climb: 3002.76 m  info Points list
 Accumulated descent: 3421.6 m
 Maximum height: 1264.8 m
 Minimal height: 134.7 m
 Start height: 1122.5 m
 End height : 705.3 m
 Climb rate: 8.6 %
 Descent rate: 8.06 %
 Positive climb difference per Km: 36.08 m
 Negative descent difference per Km: 41.11 m
 Max slope filter: ~55 %
 Min. points separation: ~30 m
 Number of points: 6379   (cad. 13.05 m)
 Significant points: 2170   (cad. 38.37 m / 34.02 %)
 Direction changes per Km: 12.52
 Direction changes >5º per Km: 10.28
 Accumulated straight stretches: 9.301 Km
 Straight stretches per Km: 111.75 m
 Penalizables slope changes: 31
 Penalizables slope changes per Km: 0.372
 Total time: 21:33:11 h
 Time in movement: 19:30:49 h
 Stopped time: 2:02:22 h
 Total speed average: 3.86 Km/h
 Average speed in movement : 4.27 Km/h
 Maximum held speed: 12.66 Km/h

Altitude Slope % Speed Km/h Speed < 0.5 Km/h

Steep slopes > 25%

Steep slopes >5% Steep slopes >10% Steep slopes >15% Steep slopes >20% Steep slopes >25%
 Steep slope of 163 m.  Average slope  Interval  Download as waypoint
 km 23.08  32%  163 m
 Steep slope of 98 m.  Average slope  Interval  Download as waypoint
 km 53.975  28%  98 m
 Steep slope of 260 m.  Average slope  Interval  Download as waypoint
 km 82.121  30%  147 m
 km 82.634  27%  113 m

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demo_montnegrebtt_2013.trk Ref.: 36172170671632
demo_matagalls_montserrat.trk Ref.: 36172170846048
demo_marathon_madrid_2013.trk Ref.: 36172170699197

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