
Know in advance the difficulty of any trail

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Some examples of the IBP analysis (Intelligent Benchmark Prediction)

What is IBP index?

Comparative chart of IBP index values

The IBP index is an algorithm that analyses the difficulty of a mountain or road bike route or a running trail generating a precise number.

Our index will help you to compare the difficulty of different trails.

The measure of the difficulty of a route is different from the effort it requires: a route with an IBP index of 60 will be very hard for a debutant, a pretty normal one for someone with an average preparation, and very comfortable for a professional cyclist (see comparative chart).


 The effort required by a trail depends on: your fitness + the pace of the race + weather conditions + IBP index  


How do we calculate an IBP index?

como se_obtiene_eng

• The index is obtained by analyzing a set of magnitudes such as: the latitude, the longitude, the height data registered by a GPS device, the distances covered in both different gradients (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%...) and also in high altitude, the total ascended and descended meters, average gradients, the distribution of slopes…etc.

• Applying a standardized mathematical formula we produce a score ranging from 0 to infinite. This score, the IBP index, is 100% objective because it does not take into account subjective variables such as the weather, the individual fitness condition or the pace of the race.

• Our systems detect automatically the sport associated with the route. This way, the IBP index is displayed together with one of the following abbreviations: BYC for cycling trails, HKG for hiking trails and RNG for running trails.

• It is also possible to obtain an IBP index of a route drawn manually on a map as long as the trail points contain the height. In this case, the index will be followed by the abbreviation DRW. However, due to possible mistakes, and the lack of precision associated with either the marking of the route points or the altitude mesh networks, an index obtained this way will not have the same reliability as the generated with GPS information.

Garmin   Analyze any activity of Garmin Connect
If you want to analyze a activity published in Garmin Connect, please paste here the link or just introduce its reference number

Example: or simply: 1197512189

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Sports Tracker   Analyze any activity of Sports Tracker
If you want to analyze a activity published in Sports Tracker, please paste here the link or just introduce its reference

Example: or simply: goresbc9au3hd58j

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Introducing IBP fit

IBP fit is a percentage score that measures your fitness level

Do you want to know how fit you are and compare yourself with other people?

IBP fit satisfies the curiosity everyone has to know his fitness level, and the need to compare themselves to others. Any cyclist, whether mountain or road, can know online, automatically and instantly, his relative fitness level by analyzing the route that he has just made to obtain the IBP fit ranking.

IBP fit is a value from 1 to 100 that ranks your performance in comparison with other cyclists, being “1” the best performance and “100” the worst.

IBP fit compares your results with more than a million routes from all around the world, this database grows and it is updated automatically.

For example, obtaining an IBP fit of “23” in a biking trail means that 22% of cyclists have gone faster than you in routes with similar conditions and that 77% left have gone slower than you.

como se_obtiene_el_IBPfit_eng_

The equivalence of the routes is evaluated based on three magnitudes as values to ensure the parity in the comparison:

- The associated IBP index
- Accumulated ascent
- Total distance

IBP fit allows you to compare yourself with your friends or cyclist from all around the world.

Check it out and use it to analyze your routes and monitor the progress of your training and fitness condition.

IBP services

Do you want to connect the IBP index system to your web or blog and improve the experience of your users?

Do you have you have a cycling, hiking or running related website or blog? Your visitors and users can get a complete analysis of their routes and their IBP index without ever leaving your site if you embed our widget on it.

Check out these examples of integration with websites and blogs.
Imagen demo


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Do you want to boost your mobile app or GPS device including the IBP index algorithm? 

We provide you with a seamless integration of IBP index so you can automatically obtain the index of any route contained or displayed in your app, site or GPS Device. Check out the examples and contact us to help you connect with our technology.

Examples of integration in desktop application, smartphone or GPS device

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